Thursday, May 19, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 12

This is what I can recall from yesterday.

There were times when I had tagged some clothes. Unfortunately, we ran out of the good plastic fasteners and the ones we had left weren't any good. (I have an idea in my head for how to approach the fastener problem, but I'm not sure how well it will go over.) There were also suspicions that some mistakes were made in separating good clothes from the bad. For instance, there were some blouses that were evidently put in recycle on the grounds that they were long-sleeved. The manager did not agree with this as said blouses were otherwise in good shape. Needless to say, I've become afraid to get rid of anything strictly on account of it being long-sleeved. I may have to reinspect every single item in every single bag in the recycle pile just to make sure that neither I nor anyone else made a bad judgement call.

There were also boxes to break down (which I and one other person did) and a couple of other boxes to go through. One of said boxes had a cannister set, a pet water bowl and some other things I don't recall right off. The set had a fruit pattern. The lids were chipped, but maybe we'll be able to look the other way on that since the cannisters are otherwise in good shape.

That was my day yesterday. I hope there aren't a lot of problems tomorrow.

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