Friday, November 5, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 42

The first order of business was to get clothes that had been priced onto their respective racks. There's still clothing that has been tagged but not priced, but there's not as much of that as there is of clothing that hasn't been tagged. (The tags have yet to make it in.)

The manager was only able to stay until noon for some reason. In the afternoon, I grabbed stuff that was tagged but not priced and put it in the middle room for when/if the manager had the chance to price it. Otherwise, I mostly hung up clothes. (I ran out of time before I got them all hung up, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are more clothes than hangers.)

Hopefully, the tags will be in by Monday so that more tagging can be done and more clothes can be put out.

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