Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Did It! I Really Did It!

For the second year in a row, I fulfilled the National Novel Writing Month challenge of writing a "novel" of 50,000 words or more. The deadline for it is midnight tonight, but I was able to fulifill the challenge with roughly three hours and forty-five minutes to spare. It was a good thing that I decided not to go out today. My dad was involved in this challenge too, but the last time I talked to him, he said that he didn't see himself making the 50k in time. I was a bit behind myself, but I told him I could see myself making the 50k in time if I pushed myself, and I did.

Granted, it meant writing over 7000 words (something I don't normally do in a day), but I got it done nonetheless.

Now is the actual story finished? I wish. But that was not a requirement for the challenge. I'm going to see what I can do about wrapping the story up this next month and then see about editing it in the next year.

Thursday, I'll do the out and about stuff that I normally would've done today. But as of next week, I will be back to being out and about on Tuesdays and doing my home stuff on Thursdays.

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