Monday, November 22, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 47

Part of my day was spent tagging and hanging up clothes, and part of it was spent getting stuff put out. We have so many pants right now that the manager has opted to make all adult pants a dollar a pair until further notice. (And all clothing in the bargain room is 25 cents for the time being.)

I feel kind of bad about not being in a position to buy some of this stuff in order to free up space. (You don't want to know how much stuff  has yet to be, um, dealt with.) However, one of the bags included a couple of bras in my size. (I'm sure that someone else in my family, such as my mom or my sister, would've just as soon gotten me some new bras themselves rather than hear of me wearing ones that had been worn by someone else. I do still draw the line at used underpants, though.) As we're no longer selling those, they would've been sent to recycling, so I slipped them into my purse. (In case I didn't mention this before, any piece of clothing that is up for elimination is eligible to be taken home by staff members free of charge.)

I'm not sure if we'll ever get caught up or not. The next day I go in is Wednesday.

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