Saturday, April 23, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

I'm back in my hometown as of today. So now, I can resume all of the routines I had put aside when I had left and what-not, such as my work with the Doggie Bag, my bookcrossing, my job search, church, etc.

During this month, I had been working on a script for Script Frenzy, where the goal is to do a script of 100 pages or more. I'd provide the link, but last time I checked, the site is currently having technical difficulties. So far, I've done seventy pages. I got off to a late start on it, but I might be able to fulfill the challenge. Because of the nature of my script, I will probably ditch it when the month begins because it was simply something I had settled on as being out of town had distracted me from really giving any thought as to what I was going to do. Maybe next year, I'll write something that actually has potential.

That's what's going on with me right now. If I'm not back here tomorrow, I'll be back Monday (God willing) to give you all an account of my first day of my third season with the Doggie Bag.

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