Monday, November 7, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Days 81-83

I had expected Monday to be one of our busiest days as it was Halloween and perhaps people would be doing whatever last minute shopping for that at that time. However, according to the manager, most people probably would've gotten their last minute shopping done on Saturday. Monday had turned out to be a slow day salewise. However, that didn't really bother the manager as it had been a pretty good month as it was.
It was on Wednesday that we started scrapping whatever was left of our Halloween display including any costume pieces that we still had and putting them away for next year. Other than that, whenever I wasn't busy on the register, I tagged some clothes and straightened things up throughout the store (or at least attempted to anyway).

I think it was Friday when the Christmas display for the window was done. One of the volunteers that normally came in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings was pretty much in all day to help with said display. I was pretty much on register until sometime in the afternoon when someone else was in to take over. Otherwise, I mainly straightened things up throughout the store as much as I could and thinned out the hat section, getting rid of any that weren't in very good shape and/or were too summery, and put out some clothes.

That was my week last week. I'm thinking today I will likely be putting out more clothing and taking care of some general straightening during the slower periods unless there turns out to be a bigger priority at hand.

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