Saturday, February 27, 2010


Like any other Saturday, I slept in and didn't have a lot of plans. However, as of next week, unless something else comes up, I might put in more hours at the Doggie Bag. (Supposedly, if anything, it's one of their busiest days.)  I think sometime today, I'll try to put in some reading time for Bookcrossing's read-a-thon.

I weighed myself a few minutes ago. I'm at 151.5 lbs. It's a good thing I was able to get some sweatpants yesterday. I don't live very far from the local YMCA so I may be going there once in a while. I may also be going out for more walks when the weather warms up a bit.

Later today, my sister's corgi Cosmo is coming over. He's two, which, as far as I know, makes him an adult dog, but his personality is such that you'd think he was still a puppy. The same could be said for my stepdad's golden/lab retriever mix Layla, who's four. One of her things to do with Cosmo is push him down like he's an alarm clock. (A friend of mine said that it's a dominance thing.) I don't know whether or not he acts like an alarm clock in his own house. I guess if he did, someone would have to ask Layla where she found the snooze button.