Monday, May 16, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 11

Ever since my return, we have had new people join the staff. We have had another person join today. One of the first things we did was move some clothes from the back room to the middle room. We checked said clothes for stains, holes, etc. Shortly after that, we cleared an area towards the back door per the manager's request. We were able to get some things in that area out of the back room altogether and out in the front, but there was only so much room for stuff in the latter. While I was at it, I moved bags and boxes of clothes into an area behind the backroom counter. Afterwards, I and the new person went through said clothes, separating good ones from bad ones. After that, we started hanging up the clothes. There are still a lot awaiting to be hung, but this might happen tomorrow.

While we were doing that, someone else on staff was in and out of the back room grabbing stuff. One of the boxes that had presumably come over the weekend had, among other things, two foam fingers. Said person asked if there'd be anyway the fingers would be sold but then noticed that one of them had the MIDDLE finger sticking out, so she didn't take that one to be priced. (This is not the first time we've had to dispense with something on account of the taste level associated with it.)

In closing, today's been a pretty busy day, and Wednesday probably will be as well.

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