Friday, May 27, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 16

I started out the day tagging some clothes (a few of which got put out today). I did end up getting rid of a few, though After that, I hung up what I could in the back room and did a little straightening back there. (Mostly, I tried to get all the hangers off the ground.)

One of my colleagues had a birthday today. In honor of this, those of us on duty (her, myself, the manager, and one other person) had some cupcakes for a little while in the afternoon. I had less than an hour left on my shift after we did that, so I basically hung up a few more clothes and did some more straightening.

That's been my day today. The store will be closed on Monday for Memorial Day, so the next day I go in is Wednesday. We'll see what happens then.

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