Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 9

The manager is still out recovering from surgery. According to our morning cashier, she probably won't be in for the rest of the week. Tomorrow is when the recycling center is supposed to come and pick up the rejected clothing. From my understanding, the manager is usually around to oversee that, but since she's out this week, I will likely go in and do that. I'll do that maybe after I have dropped off an application, or I can do the application thing after I've been around long enough to oversee the recycling thing.

For most of the day, I priced and put out clothes per the morning cashier's request. (We're trying to get on top of things in the manager's absence.) After I did that, I moved some clothes from the back room to the middle room for when and if more tags were freed up. It's still pretty crowded in the back though. (You could practically swipe one or two things out of there, and nobody would notice.)

That's been my day today. I don't know how long I'll be in tomorrow, but it'll be long enough to help get the recycling truck loaded up.

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