Friday, October 8, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 31

It's been another day of clothing to tag and hang up. For the second time (at least for me), the manager wasn't able to make it in right away so her boyfriend came by on her behalf to let me and another person in. (It turns out that the manager is opening up a store of her own somewhere in town as of tomorrow. I guess she had a lot of prep work to do for that.)

Remember that sweater I had told you about from Wednesday. I brought that (as well as a pink collar that someone else had found) to the attention of the HSP, and apparently it will be used for a "style show" that she's planning. She was also in the backroom for a little bit and pulled a few things that she couldn't see selling (such as some out of date dresses).

We have officially run out of space to hang stuff. So, I've had to kind of lay stuff across the racks of the back room. Hopefully, the manager will be in a better position next week to get stuff put out as the donations are just going to keep coming.

Such has been my day. Who knows what'll happen next week?

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