Sunday, February 6, 2011

Attended A Funeral On Short Notice

The fashion show that I was supposed to participate in today was postponed by a month because of the weather, so I went to church like I normally do.

When I was hanging up my coat, someone informed me that the person I normally sat with had passed away on Thursday and her funeral was this afternoon.(I don't normally attend funerals on such short notice, but I decided to make an exception.) After church, I went home, had some lunch, changed from the red sweater I had been wearing to a white blouse and black blazer (but remained in the slacks I had been wearing) and got a ride from my mom to the funeral. (Mom volunteered to do this for me.)

This person had family that came as well as people from church (including myself). The pastor spoke about her life and read something written by something in her family, the song "Amazing Grace" was played, and a couple of her family members spoke as well.

This person will be missed. May she rest in peace.

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