Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 36

Yesterday, I was put in charge of the register almost all day. The manager and I were the only two people on duty the whole day, especially since one of the people who normally comes in on Mondays was unable to come today due to a family-related engagement. During the time the manager was able to run the register before she had to go run certain errands (for which she had been in and out), I started to sort some bags of clothes in the back that had come last week but that apparently nobody had been in a position to deal with.
It had been a pretty busy day. I had made several sales within the first half of the day, tried to wipe down some books per the manager's request, and periodically straightened things up throughout the store. Plus, some donations came in. The manager's son came in and took over on the register around the time I normally get off (or shortly thereafter).

That was my day yesterday. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring.

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