Friday, June 10, 2011

Doggie Bag Days Season 3: Day 21

As of either today or yesterday, the bargain room we have had for a while is no more. It wasn't working out as well as the manager had hoped. So, the room that we had been using as the bargain room will be used to accommodate kids' stuff instead, and the "bargains" will be throughout the store.
One of the things that needed done today was for a bowling pin set to be cleaned up. I and one other person did that. After that, I cleared some stuff from the "bargain shelves" per the manager's request and brought it up to the counter up front. Some of the items had to be re-priced before they could be placed elsewhere in the store.

In the afternoon, I mostly tagged some clothes and attempted to get some mens' shorts priced and put out because, according to the manager, the new rack for that didn't have a lot of them on it. I'm hoping I've gotten the prices at least pretty close to what they should be. I'd probably need to dig through the clothes in the back to find more. I stayed a little over what I normally do in order to get at least some mens' shorts out.

That's been my day today. Who knows what Monday will bring?

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