Friday, March 5, 2010


Last night, I realized that the pen I had borrowed to mark the dates on the price tags yesterday was in my pocket.  So, this morning I went up to Doggie Bag to return it. I explained the situation to the people who were (presumably) on duty at the time, and they thought it was funny.

I also did a little looking around at another thrift store in town, St. Mary's. I thought about getting a copy of The Grapes of Wrath that I saw, but changed my mind. I really should concentrate on the books that are already on my reading list.

After lunch (I had some leftover pasta and deer meat), I caught up on my Bible reading and then read a chapter of Rogue's Reward. Then I had a bit of a nap.

The weather is getting nice out. If it keeps up, I may look into getting some stuff done on the patio and in the yard.

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