Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 24 At Doggie Bag, Job Applications And Some Outdoor Stuff

On Monday, two of my colleagues and I all wore skirts as we had decided we would. (The manager wasn't around to see it. I don't think he'd care one way or the other if he had been around.) There was at least one cart of stuff to put out on display. (We've really been getting a lot of donations.)

There were also several shirts and sweaters up for elimination, so I took some home. They'll have to go in storage for now because of the time of year. Prior to getting off duty, I bought one of the big bags to help accomodate the load.

Yesterday, I managed to get an application from Aldi's and a couple from a couple of hotels in the area. I'll probably see about some more on Friday.

For a little bit today, I started weeding the brick patio out back. After I did some weeding, I sprayed down some weed killer.

I may do more work on the patio on Friday, or I may do some other outdoor stuff.

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