Monday, July 26, 2010

This Weekend

My sister's household got in Saturday evening. Layla, my stepdad's dog, was with us from then until this morning.  Cosmo played with her more often than Millie did. When my sister and her boyfriend took their dogs for a walk last night, they took Layla with them. (Layla doesn't get walked at home.) Supposedly the walk with Layla went over pretty well. I might take a shot at walking her myself when I go home.

Yesterday, I went swimming with River. I haven't done that in at least one or two years. I enjoy swimming, but I don't really like having so much leg out in the open for it. (There are online stores that offer swimsuits with the coverage that would be nice to have, but buying online is not feasible for me at this time.) If there was a way to add extensions to the bottom half of my swimsuit, I would. (The top has red and white stripes and dark blue spaghetti straps. The bottom consists of a skrited brief. It's the closest I could find to something that DIDN'T make me look like I was up and about in my underwear when I got it.) 

It's hard to believe that we're in our last week of July. As far as I know, I'll be going home in a couple of weeks, but the exact date has yet to be confirmed. Now the question is what'll I do until then?

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