Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 17

On the way over to the Doggie Bag today, I happened to run into the former manager and his significant other, but I've been sworn to secrecy as to what they were up to. (Don't worry. It's nothing illegal.)

We still have a bunch of clothes waiting to be hung up and tagged. At some point, some of said clothes had to be priced so that they could be put out on the floor to fill in some gaps in their respective racks.

At some point, the person from the Humane Society who periodically comes in to check on things was in. She noticed that the pants racks weren't as organized as they could/should have been. So, per her request, I held off on putting any more stuff out in order to re-organize the pants racks according to size. This also involved putting some size disks (I think that's what they're called) on said racks. Was I able to get all of the racks organized before I ran out of time? I wish, but at least I'll have Friday to do it.

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