Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 54

There's not a lot to report this time, I'm afraid. One of my first tasks was to take empty hangers to the back room. I had three bags of clothes to take there as well. There were some purses I put out. I straightened up the front of the store off and on throughout the day and swept the entryway of leaves. I also wiped down a vacuum and a pair of shoes per the manager's request.

One girl that does her community service with us came in today, but she was only able to stay for an hour. She rearranged some of the books (something the manager wanted done) so that books of a similar theme (e.g. How-to's, cookbooks, etc.) were together.

I had a few clothes to put out, but there wasn't a lot ready to be put out as the prices on them have yet to be determined. I did, however, find some clothes that were stained and/or out of season and thus were to be recycled.

That's all I got for today. Maybe I'll have more to talk about on Friday.

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