Thursday, December 30, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 63

As usual much of the time was spent tagging and hanging up clothes. There were a couple of shirts that I had to put in recycling as they had pictures on them that didn't seem appropriate to the store's image. There was one part of the back room that the manager wanted cleared, so one of my colleagues and I moved non-clothing stuff closer to the door, possibly to be taken to the front at some point. Off and on that day I had the song to the JG Wentworth commercials in my head. It more or less drove the colleague that was in the back room with me crazy.  We still have quite a ways to go, but we managed to make a dent in the donations.

Towards the end of my shift, I took down the Christmas tree in the window per the manager's request. We've got a black-and-purple theme in the window now.

Tomorrow is my last day at the Doggie Bag before the New Year. I doubt we'll get caught up in the back room at that time, but hopefully, we'll get more of the donations accounted for.

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