Monday, August 16, 2010

Doggie Bag Days Season 2: Day 7

We got more donations today: clothes, books, a coffee maker, and a few other things though I don't remember what. I don't know what it is the manager had decided on regarding the Snoopy books that had come in on Saturday.

I, along with the manager and at least one other person on duty, have been able to go through the bags of clothes that had come in today plus a big plastic box from the back room. Some of the clothes in the box were really little stuff. The manager had said to put it aside and let her deal with it. But then there were other things that could be hung up, so that was taken care of. I'll still have some clothes to hang up tomorrow if nothing else comes up.

At some point, someone on duty saw a few shirts that she thought might look good on me. I tried them on, and all but one fit me.

The manager let me go home early again. (Apparently, there wasn't really anything to do that couldn't wait until tomorrow.)  I paid for the shirts I had decided to get on my way out. Let's say it cost me less than I thought, and at least that'll be a little less to deal with when it gets closer to time to change the clothing displays.

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